
To provide educational and entertaining discussions on the benefits of alternative and holistic mental health care methods. We offer a non-judgemental platform which allows us the opportunity to offer other “ Chill Mamas” a safe space to learn, support, and connect.

Even though cannabis use is becoming more mainstream, 66% of respondents have been shamed by others for their cannabis use, particularly by their extended family and doctors. Unsurprisingly, this has led most women to feel the need to hide their cannabis use.

- womenincannabis.study via Forbes

Support the struggling mama.

Mamas think their struggles are only their own, when we all struggle through postpartum, figuring out parenting, and being a good human to ourselves and the people around us.

and Redefine what the cannabis user looks like.

We’re not a group of couch potatoes, we are high-level, high-training, high-functioning, high people that are utilizing cannabis for medicine and enjoyment.

It’s time to go loud you guys. We are craving more community, more information, and the experts need help in sharing their knowledge. I’m bringing in these experts, OG’s, and bad asses in the space because stigma isn’t doing anything for who this plant can benefit, and lack of support isn’t fulfilling what mamas need.

You are NOT alone, and NOT a bad mom for using cannabis.